Ebook Herunterladen , by Jared Mandani LitRPG Freaks
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, by Jared Mandani LitRPG Freaks
Ebook Herunterladen , by Jared Mandani LitRPG Freaks
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 2637 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 342 Seiten
Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten: Keine Einschränkung
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
2.0 von 5 Sternen
1 Kundenrezension
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
#74.210 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)
Am Buch hat mich vor allem das Setting interessiert, das -in der Synopse- frisch und neuartig erschien. Das Buch selbst ist aus der Sicht eines Profikillers geschrieben, der sich in umständgehalber in das Game zurückzieht. Das Game-System bedient der MC ohne je auch nur in die Nähe einer Herausforderung zu geraten. Damit wirkt auch der Konflikt schwach. Die mich interessierenden Elemente (wie wird ein Erpresser/Schmuggler/Drogenring aufgezogen?) werden nur im Zeitraffer und mit zu wenig Detail erzählt.Die Schreibweise ist sehr routiniert, wirkt aber so als hatte der Autor nur möglichst schnell eine einzelne Idee auf mehreren hundert Seiten darstellen wollen.
Great opening, plot building, character development starts our really well. We transition into the online element of the story and you head always downhill from there. You'll find editing issues, words dropped from sentences, wrong word uses, etc... The story reaches a peak and.... then abruptly ends.Perhaps they ran out of story or got tired? I'm not sure but it's short.
The story is rushed and skips past many important parts. Details are what make a story good and this does not have any.
The paragraphs are broken by an extra space, which makes each paragraph a large block unto itself. It kills the flow of the book making it unpleasant to read.
I like the beginning, but I thought that all the spy stuff was to much so quit â…” of the way. I think describe the book better in the summary.
The cover art is nice and I like the idea of LitRPG story about a merchant. But the execution here was disappointing eventually. It starts out decently but eventually I realized that even though the story has lots of notifications it often feels like the game mechanics are dictated by the story. New rules or exceptions are created to push the story in a particular direction and eventually even those game aspect disappear as the story head to its conclusion.The story follows one player who gets a glitched character he has to keep. One who can't join the game's three factions and who can't level via combat. So he has to figure out some other way to level and stumbles upon the profession of scavenging and smuggling to get him some levels. You follow him as he tries to make connections between the criminal factions to make money from his unique situation and try to build this criminal empire. Because the MC early on has his ability to fight cut off, there's a distinct lack of action that isn't replaced with anything. Eventually the story loses steam and you get more and more summaries of events eventually leading to a rushed ending that was just disappointing.On the game mechanic side, the story is technically LitRPG. The MC starts off with a broken character, but levels up and gets some professions, gains stats, and there are lots of item descriptions in the first half of the story. However, even though these elements exist, as the story progresses you can tell that the game mechanics don’t matter. The story really lost me around the 40% mark. It’s where I first started seeing that the game mechanics of the story getting ignored for some story element. The MC is on a quest to get a rare ingredient and dies over a dozen times. The death penalty that was such a big deal at the beginning of the story (XP loss and penalties and cause his inability to level via combat) just seems to dissapear. Or the MC taking and even using soul bound items that he doesn't meet the level requirements for. As the story progresses past the 66% mark, a lot of the game mechanics and any relevance of level and stats for the MC disappear entirely. There are still some notifications but the RPG progression ceases to exist.Overall, I like the idea of the story of a merchant focused LitRPG character with a criminal element, the RPG part of this story just didn’t seem to matter to the story and eventually disappears. So, I lost interest cause that’s the part of LitRPG I like. The RPG stuff.Score: 6 out of 10
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